• NVG Avionics Mods

    NVG Avionics Modifications

    NVG Avionics Modifications

    Aero Dynamix offers NVG modified instrument, radio, and control head lighting. Modifications are accomplished in compliance with RTCA/DO-275, MIL-L-85762A, and MIL-STD-3009 as required.

    Subminiature NVG compatible filtered lamps are carefully fit and installed in an instrument to be modified. Light balancing techniques assure a well harmonized instrument panel at night. Radio displays are modified by adding IR absorption/contrast enhancement filters optimized for type of display (LED, gas discharge, LCD, or CRT). Control head backlit panels are replaced with NVG compatible panels and bezels.  A variety of typically used filter material is stocked to provide faster turn times for your modifications.

    The modification procedure includes functional checkout of the modified unit to ensure airworthiness. The NVG compatible lighting is viewed with a Generation III NVG as a final check for IR light leaks. Each unit is then bench checked to ensure ful functionality. An FAA 8130-3 Airworthiness Certificate is then issued for the unit. The unit is ready for installation when you receive it.

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